This note is intended for technicians and project managers starting up projects with Jatropha production, pressing and applying the PPO (pure plant oil, straight
vegetable oil) in diesel engines.

The project “Towards Sustainability Certification of Jatropha Bio-fuels in Mozambique” aims to build up knowledge for future certification of Jatropha bio-fuels through a benchmark pilot sustainability assessment of three Jatropha produc

This report is the End-report of the project Jatropha oil for local development in Mozambique, which was executed from January 2007 until December 2010.

The research underlying this document was performed to judge the applicability of chemical extraction instead of cold pressing to gain oil from jatropha curcas

People living in the poorest regions in the world, e.g. large parts of the African, Asian and
Latin American continents, often lack access to energy sources in general. One approach

Basicamente, o processo de aquisição do óleo de sementes oleaginosas é tão antigo quanto à humanidade.

A colheita das sementes Jatropha é um processo difícil, devido às características da Jatroph amadurecimento dos frutos.

Este capítulo discute os aspectos da criação e gestão de um plantio de Jatropha (pinhão-manso) em pequena escala (0,5 a 5 ha.).